Sunday, February 14, 2010

#8 Moth-eaten Deer Head

So, there's this CD I bought when I was sixteen called "The Locust" by the Locust. It was twenty-one songs in eighteen and a half minutes. The longest song was maybe 1:40. It was amazing. I could also really only listen to in about once a month. It is basically grindcore sprinkled with angry calliope music. When Laura and I were dating, I tried to convince her to make this "our song". She toyed with the idea for a while but came to her senses and politely declined. So, with no further ado, I bring you:

The Locust- Moth Eaten Deer Head

Love it.

1 comment:

  1. She didn't go for this and you still married her? You're a forgiving man. That and she's totally awesome.
